Internet Privacy: URGENT Will you be assimilated?

Internet Privacy: URGENT Will you be assimilated?

Statists constantly tell us that we need a huge government to protect us from business monopolies. But they fail to notice that The State is the biggest, baddest monopoly of them all, as well as a major reason why some companies grow so monstrously large.

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U.S. pockets $20.6 bln in sin taxes in FY’09

U.S. pockets $20.6 bln in sin taxes in FY’09

Americans armed themselves to the teeth and paid through the nose to have a smoke, according to a U.S. government report released on Wednesday.

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Taxes To Fight Obesity? Proposal Would Slap Hefty Fee On Sugar-Filled Drink

Taxes To Fight Obesity? Proposal Would Slap Hefty Fee On Sugar-Filled Drink

Feel like you’re taxed enough already? More could be coming. There’s an early push to explore taxing soft drinks that are sweetened with sugars – all to get you to stop buying them.

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Alternative Currencies Flourishing in Germany

Alternative Currencies Flourishing in Germany

Since the introduction of the European single currency, 23 different regional currencies have started circulating in Germany as people aim to revitalize local economies, lessen dependence on the euro, and challenge the established global monetary system. At least 40 more are in development.

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Court Rules FCC Indecency Policy “Unconstitutionally Vague”

Court Rules FCC Indecency Policy “Unconstitutionally Vague”

A federal appeals court struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s indecency policy Tuesday, calling it “unconstitutionally vague” and a violation of the First Amendment.

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New Massachusetts law extends censorship to IM, e-mail, Web

New Massachusetts law extends censorship to IM, e-mail, Web

Massachusetts decided that the “matter” which might harm minors should now include: electronic mail, instant messages, text messages, and any other communication created by means of use of the Internet or wireless network, whether by computer, telephone, or any other device or by any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo-electronic or photo-optical system.

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French MPs vote to ban Islamic full veil in public

French MPs vote to ban Islamic full veil in public

France’s lower house of parliament has overwhelmingly approved a bill that would ban wearing the Islamic full veil in public.

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Ron Paul: Feds Spend $400/gal on Gas in Afghanistan

Ron Paul: Feds Spend $400/gal on Gas in Afghanistan

With our economy at home in serious trouble, this wasteful occupation is something we clearly cannot afford. Each soldier costs us $1 million per year, and yet most in Washington are only considering how many more soldiers to send.

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Capitol and other congressional buildings rife with safety hazards

Capitol and other congressional buildings rife with safety hazards

Workplace safety experts say that if Congress were a private-sector business, it would be at risk for massive fines from government regulators.

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Woman Sentenced to Life Imprisonment For Kissing 13-Year-Old Boy and Putting His Hand on Her Breast

Woman Sentenced to Life Imprisonment For Kissing 13-Year-Old Boy and Putting His Hand on Her Breast

In Nevada, the sentence of Michelle Lyn Taylor, 34, is attracting considerable debate. Taylor was convicted of lewdness with a minor under 14 after kissing a friend’s 13-year-old child, putting his hand on her breast, and offering to have sex with him.

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